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A member registered Oct 04, 2019

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Loved the 2D/3D aspect of the game, found it could have some very interesting potential and good level design, but sometimes found that when the camera would automatically convert back to 2D from 3D it would sometimes change the position that the character was standing in, making a particular part inaccessible. But otherwise solid idea and good execution

Found Communist Mario to be quite slippery when walking around and jumping, and the enemies hitboxes could be a little clunky at times but overall enjoyable. Enemies would sometimes fly off of the platforms and get stuck and found that double jumping on the second level would break the game and cause Mario to clip under the floor

Thought Casper was a very cute character but was a bit confused as to the goal of the game, and couldn't get to any of the other levels, but it looked good and seemed to have a good concept with good character controls

Fun to play, found it very unforgiving in that the player felt like they couldnt land without moving to the left or right which made the first level rather frustrating as it was hard to get past the jumping part before the first house, and accidentally running into frogs/rats. However the sprites were all animated well and when getting to the first night section, really enjoyed the death animation of the rats

Enjoyed the whipping around aspect of the game and the general theme, mastering the whip seems to be a bit difficult considering some of the hidden health placed around the levels but with the addition of being able to double jump made it a bit easier to get to the harder to reach areas. Would've been good with some more verticallity though, also got a bit frustrated at how big the small/crawling cyborgs are but otherwise fun experience